Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hari ini pagi2 udah ada yang dicopet lagi.. Luckily its not me this time.. Thanx God.. Modus operandi nya sama persis ky waktu gw dicopet beberapa minggu yang lalu. Kita turun lewat pintu belakang bis. Mereka belagak mo masuk ke tengah bis, dempet2an and BAM!!! there goes ur cell phone. Komplotan ini sepertinya naik dari Halte bis Farmasi (seberang JHCC) beraksi di Halte bis Wisma (depan Le Meridien) and mungkin turun di Halte Setiabudi. Korbannya kali ini adalah cewe and hp nya ditaroh di tas nya. So saran gw buat yang mo naik bis adalah :
1. Sembunyikan hp anda di tempat yg anda sendiri pun susah buat ngambilnya. Misal harus buka 2 restleting dulu, plus kantong kancing, dsb.
2. Bagi yang hp nya ada fasilitas mp3.. dengerin lagu aja selama di bis dan turun bis. Karena klo hp kita tersambung dengan earphone kita. Otomatis klo dicopet kita bakalan tau donk.

Oh iya.. di lobby kantor gw lagi ada bazaar neh. Kinda like Metro Big Sale. Disc. nya gede. Gw tergoda ma sepatu Hush Puppies nya neh. Harganya jadi 400rb. Tapi bingung mo dipake kemana. Buat kondangan ga cocok, buat ngantor.. sayang banget sepatu gitu dipake ngejar2 bis kota. hehehe..

Monday, August 27, 2007

Spent last saturday attending an alumni lunch/gathering at dharmawangsa. The gathering was great although i reach there very late becoz of the heavy jam all across jakarta. Arrived just in time when one of our senior who is a senior brand manager for one of unilever's product give out a sharing (which is one of the reason i attend the gathering). Continued with watching Ratatouilee (dunno how to spell correctly hehe) at La Piazza.. It was a great movie.. very funny.. LMAO of it.

Sunday evening.. went out with my fams to visit my uncle's place. Originally we planned to visit there for a while then continued with having dinner at Rasane. But my father changed the plan and decided to have dinner at my uncle's. There goes my chance to eat crabs again.. hiks.. hiks..

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Another futsal nite.. kali ini kita maen "away" ke plaza shinta. Bukannya tanding lawan team lain. Cuman mencoba "kandang" lain aja, just in case one day mo pindah "homebase". Kemaren maen sekitar 2jam.. hehehe.. udah kembali ke fulltime. At least stamina udah lumayan kembali lah. Score 2 goals.. not bad untuk seorang defender. hehehe. Walaupun masih harus banyak work on timing, dribbling, and calmness. Lapangannya jg lumayan bagus, lebih dekat dari rumah, lebih sepi and the most important is.. lebih murah dibandingin "home base". Mungkin 2-3 game lagi di "home base" kemudian kemungkinan besar akan pindah ke plaza shinta deh. Oh iya.. karena baru 2nd week udah dipaksa maen full time lagi. Hari ini agak2 exhausted neh. Badan pegel2 semua. hehehe.. Bokap balik hari ini, jadi jam maen di warnet jg bakalan dikurangin neh sementara.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Kadang lucu melihat bagaimana beberapa orang menyikapi suatu masalah. Seperti tadi pagi ketika naik bis menuju ke kantor. Sebagai sesama commuter.. adalah hal biasa klo pagi2 itu bis penuh sesak dengan penumpang yang mo ke kantor. Nah tadi pagi ada penumpang yg ga mo disuruh geser sama kenek bis.. malah melotot and bergaya mo mukul tu kenek bis. Dalam hati langsung mikir.. ini bis siapa ya? koq galakan penumpangnya? apa karena slogan "pembeli adalah raja"?? Padahal klo kenek bisnya mo galak.. tinggal disuruh turun tuh penumpang.. nah silakan deh tunggu bis berikutnya. Kalo mo lebih lega.. boleh aja naik taxi. Hehehe.. Bukannya ngebelain kenek bis.. karena kadang mereka pun bisa sangat menyebalkan. Tapi just keep in mind kalo kita tinggal di negara berkembang. Dimana sarana public transport masih "terbelakang".. jadi ya wajar klo dalam jam-jam sibuk pasti berdesak2an.. tinggal gimana kita menyikapi aja.. klo mo dapet duduk bisa aja kan berangkat lebih awal biar lebih sepi? atau naik deket terminal sewaktu bis masih kosong? Ga harus adu otot, atau ngomel2 ga jelas.. atau mungkin karena kita tinggal di negara berkembang, sehingga sebagai orang jg masih "terbelakang"??

Monday, August 20, 2007

During the long weekend :
Friday.. memutuskan ga ikut pergi test food untuk ultah nenek gw.. instead going online during london. Sorenya ade gw ngajakin nonton bourne di sms. Dilanjutkan dengan bakut mu-mu.. Untuk menambah vitamin buat otak hahaha..
Saturday.. Seharian di salon.. hahahaha.. bukan jadi cowo metroseksual atau banci salon lho.. cuman gantiin nyokap gw jaga aja soalnya nyokap lagi sibuk bikin kue buat sembayang kakek gw on sunday. Malemnya pergi maen game ma anak2.. not a good day.. 3 games and 3 loses.. pdhal udah bela2in maen sampe jam 3pagi.
Sunday.. Bangun 5.30.. cuman tidur 2.5 jam.. terpaksa nyari life support bernama caffeine.. hohoho.. pergi sembayang kakek. Pulang dari sembayang, mandi, berangkat lagi ke mangdu ma nyokap, cari some things buat ultah nenek. Balik dari sana tidur bentar *niat nya*, tp end up tidur sampe malem and ga ke sempet gereja deh *maafkan anak-Mu yang satu ini ya Tuhan*.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Gak kemana2 weekend ini.. feels so lazy to go out. Jadinya cuman jadi "anak baik" nongkrong di rumah and maen dota di warnet ma anak2.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

English Premiere League udah mo mulai season baru lagi minggu ini. So kami pun kembali ke lapangan untuk berlatih kembali setelah liburan. Are we EPL players?? Bukan.. kami hanya sekumpulan orang yang kebetulan "berlibur" maen futsal selama liburan EPL dan kembali "berlatih" disaat EPL dimulai kembali.
Hasilnya?? Stamina yang kedodoran karena "libur" selama kurang lebih 2 bulan. Kemaren cuman maen sekitar 30 mins and semua udah ngos2-an.. hahaha.. belum lagi teknik dan gerakan yang sudah mulai kaku.. Tapi gak papa.. yang penting bebas dari cedera, kelelahan yang berlebihan, dan menang. Hahaha.. yes menang dengan selisih 5 gol.. berkat "pemain cabutan" mas2 yg jagain tempat futsal yang ternyata jago banget.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

133 Sucks..
Bagi yg bingung apa itu 133.. itu adalah nomer bis yg menuju ke kantor gw.. bareng ma 62. Bedanya adalah 62 itu jadwal nya teratur, armadanya lebih banyak. Sementara 133 itu armadanya palingan 1-2 bis, tukang ngetem, jadwalnya suka2 dia, and lebih pantas disebut bis siluman (kadang nongol kadang kaga). The problem is.. klo pagi dia tuh suka "nyelip2" diantara jadwal bis 62. Nyolong2 penumpangnya gitu.. Jadilah dilema klo setiap pagi ngeliat 133 lewat.. klo naik.. ntar dia ngetemnya lama.. klo ga naik.. ntar 62 dibelakang dia pasti suka sepi.. ga ada penumpang trus ikut ngetem jg.. So today ketika 133 lewat.. dilema itu kembali menghampiri.. antara ragu2 akhirnya gw putuskan untuk naik.. ternyata bisnya masih kosong melompong.. = firasat buruk.. Trying to positive thinking.. sapa tau didepan rame penumpang. Ternyata 2 "halte" berikutnya + ngetem2 = kosong n minim penumpang.. malah 62 udah nempel dibelakang. Alhasil menjelang masuk tol, penumpang di 133 "ga memenuhi quota" n dengan enaknya kita disuruh pindah ke 62 di belakang. Which means gw harus berdiri sampe kantor karena bis 62 nya sampe tol dah penuh. (133 karena reputasinya maka klo nempel ma 62, orang lebih prefer naik 62) Sucks?? BIG TIME!! There goes my 1 hour sleep at the bus..
Moral of the story is.. mendingan telat n nungguin 62 dibelakangnya daripada naik 133. At least u still can get some sleep on the bus.

Monday, August 06, 2007

4-5 years ago.. when this happens i will surely sing "If you're not the one - Daniel Beddingfield.."
but now.. i prefer to sing this one.. "Separated - Usher"

If love was a bird
Then we wouldn't have wings
If love was a sky
We'd be blue
If love was a choir
You and I could never sing
Cause love isn't for me and you

If love was an Oscar
You and I could never win
Cause we can never act out our parts
If love is the Bible
Then we are lost in sin
Because its not in our hearts

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

If love was a fire
Then we have lost the spark
Love never felt so cold
If love was a light
Then we're lost in the dark
Left with no one to hold

If love was a sport
We're not on the same team
You and I are destined to lose
If love was an ocean
Then we are just a stream
Cause love isn't for me and you

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

Girl I know we had some good times
It's sad but now we gotta say goodbye
Girl you know I love you, I can't deny
I can't say we didn't try to make it work for you and I
I know it hurts so much but it's best for us
Somewhere along this windy road we lost the trust
So I'll walk away so you don't have to see me cry
It's killing me so, why don't you go

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

Finally the "unfinished stuff" is over and i can really move-on. Thanx for everything though.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Its been a long time since my last update.. i even have already kinda abandon it.. but since i've been tagged by ddee.. well update it is.. here we go..

Three things that scares me:
1. Losing trust.. especially those who are close to me..
2. Speaks in front of public.. gives me cold sweat.. numb knees.. shaking voices.. need to work out on this one..
3. Being alone is quite spooky also.. time for my own is ok.. but alone in radius 1 km.. now u tell me spooky or not..

Three people who make me laugh:
1. My friends
2. My family
3. My self

Three things i love:
1. To love and being loved in return.. *cieee dalem boooo...*
2. Play.. playing is one good alternatif for relaxation.. letting go all the stress
3. Work.. wakakakaka.. hoping to find something that i love to do as a business so that it wont be 5 days of work days and 2 days of holidays but 5 days doing what i love to do and 2 days to spent with my loved ones.. *dalem lg.. hohoho*

Three things i hate *wow.. this one is hard*:
1. Losing.. i know.. i know.. its part of winning and the learning curve and so on *u know the drill* but sure thing winning feels better
2. Feeling down / blue / lonely..
3. Annoying people..

Three things i dont understand:
1. Life.. its always full of new things to learn..
2. Difficult maths.. all those quantums theory, lv 10 calculus.. hehehe
3. Foreign languages *how to understand if u never heard of it before*

Three things on my desk:
1. My lappie
2. A glass of water
3. Calendar

Three things I am doing now:
1. Answering these questions of course
2. Working
3. Backtesting

Three things I wanna do before I die:
1. Travel around the world with my families, friends, and loved one..
2. Live my life to the fullest
3. Driving F1, Playing football at San Siro.. wakakaka..

Three things I can do *only 3? I can do lots of things* :
1. Make jokes
2. Good listener
3. Walk, eat, sleep, and so on.. hehehhe

Three things you should listen to:
1. Wisdom words of many great thinker.. Hei.. they already give a lot of energy to think so that we dont need to think for our own.. just need to digest it.. hehehe..
2. Music.. Its good for your soul
3. Yourself

Three things I'd like to learn:
1. Dance
2. Speak foreign language (chinese, spanish, japanese, korean.. wakakaka)
3. To have a total control of my emotions.. *i am the master of my mind and captain of my soul.. or is it captain of my mind and master of my soul???*

Three favourite foods:
1. Chinese foods
2. Japanese foods
3. Italian foods *sebenarnya seh.. apapun yg enak aja*

Three beverages I drink regularly:
1. Plain water
2. Tea
3. Coffee *i know its not good but cant.. resist.. having.. another.. cup.. hahaha*

Three TV shows I watch as a kid:
1. Doraemon.. who doesnt watch??
2. Ksatria Baja Hitam.. just rite after doraemon.. wakakaka
3. Cartoons.. hei.. im still a lil kid at that time.. hehehe..

Three books I read as a kid:
1. Comics
2. Comics *remember still kids.. cant expect me to read business mags rite?*
3. Textbook *still at school age.. of course sometimes still have to study*

Three people I would love to tag:
1. My friends who do blogs..
2. ...
3. I think no 1 already explain all.. hahahaha