Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ucapan Terima Kasih..
Finally i have my own blog.. setelah sekian lama tertunda2.. Thanx to God for all of His blessings.. to my family for all of their supports.. to my so called 'brothers' who always be there for me.. to my frens.. i love u all. (udah kaya speech dapet award aja hehehehe..)
Thanx jg buat Ddee.. berkat blog nya, akhirnya gw berniat untuk membuat blog gw sendiri hehehehe.. Klo anda ingin sedikit belajar tentang business.. i recommend lo liat2, tp kalo anda ingin sedikit belajar tentang living ur life to the fullest.. silakan mengunjungi hehehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Waks..Yap, ga perna ngasi tau neh ada blog?

Haha...CONGRATS ya!!

Tar gue link k.

And hell yeah, I got my name mentioned in ur blog *wakaka..
