Friday, February 29, 2008

Kemaren abis install ulang kompie orang kantor. Karena satu dan lain hal.. kelupaan backup data di hard disk nya dl.. dengan asumsi karena datanya disimpan di partisi yg berbeda. It should be ok. Ternyata eh ternyata.. dunno how, partisi nya tertukar pas lagi install. Alhasil semua datanya ilang.. gone.. ketimpa ma installan OS yg baru. Panic mode deh. And since the culture in my company here is "cant also must say can". Maka dengan segala cara, data mesti bisa diretrieve balik. One thing instantly come in mind. Software data recovery. Walaupun blom pernah pakai dsb.. setelah melewati beberapa kali trial and error. Akhir nya datanya masih ada yg bisa diselamatkan. Well.. even though its not 100% recovered.. but with rate well above 50%. I think its quite acceptable.
Oleh karena itu, bagi yg suka nyimpan hal2 "aneh" di kompie. Be extra carefull, hdd yg udah diformat aj, masih bisa di retrieve lho datanya.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Back to Jakarta on thursday nite, cape banget.. soalnya mesti travel 7 jam perjalanan untuk sampai ke airport. Trus jumat sore udah mesti berangkat lg pergi retret KMK. Rencana nya mo panggil mbok2 tukang pijit for friday morning (i take a leave from office) eh.. ternyata mbok nya sakit. Retretnya asik jg, lokasinya somewhere around cinere, walaupun pergi kesananya sempet nyasar2.. gara2 di petunjuk jalan yg dikasi oleh salah satu panitia bilangnya "lurus jauh" so dengan santai n sambil ngobrol, kita menikmati lurus jauh sampai tiba2 tersadar ketika udah sampe depok. hahaha..
Anyway.. retret kali ini seh gw ma para senior yg lain ga gitu banyak ngikutin acaranya. Agak2 kurang nyaman dengan gaya PD / karismatik. So gw cm ngobrol2 di luar aja sama senior2 yg lain plus beberapa orang seksi keamanan yg emang lg bertugas. Acaranya seh menurut gw sukses, -congratz buat para panitianya-. Hanya saja ketua yg baru agak kurang melakukan "perkenalan" dengan para senior sehingga takutnya hubungannya nanti kedepan dengan para senior menjadi agak renggang. tp mungkin jg saat itu ketuanya lg sibuk kali ya. semoga lain kali bisa lebih banyak kesempatan untuk ngobrol.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My first time on the vessel... horraaayyyy.. hahahaha.. hari ini gw dapet kesempatan untuk naik mother vessel untuk liat loading first shipment coal. Setelah kurang lebih 1 jam naik speed boat, terlempar2 di laut lepas.. (yes.. speedboat on open sea) akhirnya sampe jg ke vessel.. a 200m long ship. Taking pictures, trus liat buldozers diangkat ke kapal pake crane. Tapi karena ada satu dan lain hal, proses loading tertunda2 sampe akhirnya gw ketiduran di sofa cabin (so am i qualified to be a ship crew??? hahahaha) Ditunggu2 sampe sore, akhirnya dapet kabar dr chief officernya vessel klo coal kita ga bisa di unload hari ini. So akhirnya balik lg dengan sedikit kecewa plus di hempas2 di speed boat lg.. Hasilnya?? I look like a half american indian half chinese guy now. Hasil dijemur seharian di atas vessel.. Hmm.. a red skin chinese.. hahahaha

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Update from Batulicin.. The place is not as bad as what i imagine. Ternyata disini hotelnya bagus, airnya bersih (no need dettol haha), makanannya jg so far enak (no need obat sakit perut), ada free internet (even though cm di lobby), but as long as its free. And to my suprise, cukup kenceng jg lho. So i think this whole week here wont be as "miserable" as i think. horrayyy.. happy.. happy.. happy..

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This should be interesting..
I was just informed that gw (with another guy) bakalan ditugasin ke somewhere di South Borneo untuk survey lapangan for a week. Tempatnya seh agak2 "mojok" gitu, 12 hours perjalanan by car after touchdown at the airport + 2 hours on boat. So far a few advises yg gw terima :
- Travel Light
- Forget "city" soap, bring Dettol
- Bring lots of obat sakit perut, obat gatal, dsb

So, im gonna packing with "camping/outbound" mode in mind. Hmm.. I wonder if there's any ATM there.. hahaha.

Monday, February 11, 2008

hi.. sorry neh udah lama ga update lg.. bad habit.. hehehe..
anyway.. lagi tertarik ma lagu "Saigo no kawa" nya Chemistry neh sekarang.. video klip nya jg ok.. Lagu aslinya in Japanese, tp ini lyrics in englishnya.

why do you look up at the sky
everytime you stop somewhere?
the sorrow you can’t tell anyone
can be spoken through your heart
if you look back at the
long road you walked here on
you’ll be shown a shining day
brighter than in my memories
no matter when,
always by my side
you shared your laughter
during all the time we’ve spent
something felt missing…
but, what i noticed was
“love really is everything”
*** please don’t ask me
“are you happy?”
my dear
hold me in your arms
i want to hear it
are You happy?
the unending street is unpredictable
person sending me off
please dry your tears
with my back turned
and on my own
i cross over the river now ***
after i’ve gone
look up at the sky sometimes
i’m always watching over you
from someplace near the sun
even though your image
can’t be seen
i can still feel you
and if i close my eyes
your dear warmth
envelops my loneliness
shining on me rays of the sun
i remember
how much i loved you
my treasured one
leaving you behind
was heart breaking
i want to go back to before
the love i have is for ever
please don’t forget
you are never alone
we may be separated
but in your heart
i am still alive
back to ***
i don’t regret anything
i’m happy to have been born
from my heart, I Thank You.